Post by graynox on Apr 23, 2009 2:00:15 GMT
How exactly is the LHC supposed to be so dangerous, if a mini big bang takes place. Wouldn't they want to be able to control it someway before going through with it, and if they weren't could it be sent away? Also, if anyone knows about them, could someone explain the Quantum Zeno effect, Strange Matter, and how time travel would be possible with the LHC?
Post by Admin on Apr 23, 2009 10:26:44 GMT
There are no dangers. The LHC has nowhere near the power to create a big bang, or even a tiny bang... or even a black hole. these LHC-blow-up-world myths are worng.
Post by Neku on Apr 23, 2009 20:14:38 GMT
so they are not true?kk good cause I always thought that thing would be the end of my life lol
Post by ArkAngel on Apr 24, 2009 0:50:44 GMT
Well the LHC is harmless...BUT
I will try to explain the "percieved" or "mythical" dangers of the LHC and why they won't work.
Firstly, the myth is that the LHC will generate a black hole (oooohhhhh). A black hole is an area of infinite density (or so they say). The LHC is essentially this really big network of tunnels lined occasionally with hyper-powerful electro-magnets. These electro-magnets stop the sub-atomic particles from smashing into the walls and they also make those particles move 99.999999% the speed of light. These sub-atomic particles are made to miss each other until they are the correct speed. Them they are SMASHED!!!!!! together. The effect is wonderful. A camera takes about a thousand picture of the collision and you can see all these wonderful sub-atomic particles that normally don't exist (cos they're not stable).
Anyway...the doomsayers say this will generate a black hole. Well...the smallest length in the universe is 1.6 x 10-35m (thats 5.33 x 10-35ft). A black hole with this size would require 1016 TeV (trillion electron volts - dont worry if you dont know what that means). The LHC with al its electro magnets and generators can only achieve 14 TeV. That means it's too pathetic by a factor of a thousand million million.
Well, even taking to account that we could generate a black hole, a black hole of that size would "evaporate". Y'see, blacks holes give off "hawking radiation" (its got something to do with time and moving back in time and antimatter particles - dont ask me to explain it...). This hawking radiation make small back hole evaporate pretty damn fast. A black hole made from a car (1000 kg, 2000lbs, 10-24m, 33-24ft, would evaporate in a billionth of a second. One with planck size would evaporate in 10-100seconds.
So yeah...
Post by Tanooki on Apr 24, 2009 13:02:26 GMT
It's actually harmless, but and if they get able to make it work out, and make it stronger and, and...
Well, play God looks somewhat wrong for me...
Post by Archer on Apr 25, 2009 11:08:01 GMT
Well, scientist and the army most of the time likes to play God.I guess the punishment would be severe when they face God.