Post by altomarelatios on Jan 2, 2009 1:13:03 GMT
Names: (order, time added)
FZ - Falzar FZ
FP - Freepoints, Majikaru Pointsu
ICTF - IceCold the Fortress
KJ - Kijame
M5 - Mso5exy
DZ - DZee
TP- ThePawn
OZ - Omega-Zero
OZX - OmegaZX
VDS - VampiresDon'tSparkle
YE - Yellow Eye
HC - HalloweenCrux
HS - HopeSoul
General: (order, alphabetical)
AFAIK - As far as I know
afk - away from keyboard
AKA Also Known As
any1 - anyone
AR - Action Replay
ARDS - Action Replay DS
ATTN - Attention!
b4 - before
bg - background
btb - back to boredom
btw - by the way
bf - Boyfriend or Best Friend
cbf - can't be f***ed (can't be bothered) (try avoid using this one)
carp - a variation of crap
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
fyi - for your information
gf - girlfriend
idk - I don't know
IIRC - If I recall correctly
imo - in my opinion
IRL - in real life
kthxbai - OK! Thanks! Bye!
LHS - Left Hand Side
lol - laugh out loud
lmao- Laughing my a** off
nao - now! (not really an abbreviation, but another way of saying it)
ninja'd - I posted faster than you haha. (when you and someone else post almost the same thing, or race for whatever reason)
no1 - no one
np - no problem
ofc - of course
OIC - Oh I See.
OMG - Oh My God!
orly? - Oh really?
plz - please
PM - Private/Personal Message (or Prime Minister)
RHS - Right Hand Side
rlly - really
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
SB - Shoutbox
sig - signature
thx - thanks
ttyl- talk to you later
ttfn- ta-ta for now
ty - thank you
ur - your
wtf - what the f*** (try avoid using this one)
yr - your/you're
yt - Youtube
Games: (order, alphabetical)
AW - Advanced Wars
FF - Final Fantasy
GBA - Game Boy Advance
GBASP - Game Boy Advance SP
LA - Luminous Arc
LA2 - Luminous Arc 2
MMBN - Megaman Battle Network
MMBN5DTDS - Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS
MMZ - Megaman Zero
MMZX - Megaman ZX
MMZXA - Megaman ZX Advent
Pkmn - Pokémon
PMD - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
R4 - Revolution for DS (a type of supercard for the NDS)
ToP - Tales of Phantasia
TPMRPG - The Pokémon Moon RPG - The Pokémon Moon Role Playing Game
TS2 - The Sims 2
TWEWY - The World Ends With You
WoW - World of Warcraft
YGO - Yu-Gi-Oh!
Adoptables: (order, alphabetical)
BC - Bottle Cap(s)
CE - Click Exchange
DA: Dragon Adopters
DC: Dragcave or Dragon Cave
div - division
DP - dinopoints or green bottle caps
GBC - Green Bottle Cap(s)
LE: Link Exchange
PP - Pokeplushies
Misc: (order, time added)
Jan - January
Feb - February
Mar - March
Apr - April
May - May
Jun - June
Jul - July
Aug - August
Sep - Sept - September
Oct - October
Nov - November
Dec - December
got any more that we used in this forum or the Shoutbox please post them below and I'll add them.
FZ - Falzar FZ
FP - Freepoints, Majikaru Pointsu
ICTF - IceCold the Fortress
KJ - Kijame
M5 - Mso5exy
DZ - DZee
TP- ThePawn
OZ - Omega-Zero
OZX - OmegaZX
VDS - VampiresDon'tSparkle
YE - Yellow Eye
HC - HalloweenCrux
HS - HopeSoul
General: (order, alphabetical)
AFAIK - As far as I know
afk - away from keyboard
AKA Also Known As
any1 - anyone
AR - Action Replay
ARDS - Action Replay DS
ATTN - Attention!
b4 - before
bg - background
btb - back to boredom
btw - by the way
bf - Boyfriend or Best Friend
cbf - can't be f***ed (can't be bothered) (try avoid using this one)
carp - a variation of crap
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
fyi - for your information
gf - girlfriend
idk - I don't know
IIRC - If I recall correctly
imo - in my opinion
IRL - in real life
kthxbai - OK! Thanks! Bye!
LHS - Left Hand Side
lol - laugh out loud
lmao- Laughing my a** off
nao - now! (not really an abbreviation, but another way of saying it)
ninja'd - I posted faster than you haha. (when you and someone else post almost the same thing, or race for whatever reason)
no1 - no one
np - no problem
ofc - of course
OIC - Oh I See.
OMG - Oh My God!
orly? - Oh really?
plz - please
PM - Private/Personal Message (or Prime Minister)
RHS - Right Hand Side
rlly - really
rofl - rolling on floor laughing
SB - Shoutbox
sig - signature
thx - thanks
ttyl- talk to you later
ttfn- ta-ta for now
ty - thank you
ur - your
wtf - what the f*** (try avoid using this one)
yr - your/you're
yt - Youtube
Games: (order, alphabetical)
AW - Advanced Wars
FF - Final Fantasy
GBA - Game Boy Advance
GBASP - Game Boy Advance SP
LA - Luminous Arc
LA2 - Luminous Arc 2
MMBN - Megaman Battle Network
MMBN5DTDS - Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS
MMZ - Megaman Zero
MMZX - Megaman ZX
MMZXA - Megaman ZX Advent
Pkmn - Pokémon
PMD - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
R4 - Revolution for DS (a type of supercard for the NDS)
ToP - Tales of Phantasia
TPMRPG - The Pokémon Moon RPG - The Pokémon Moon Role Playing Game
TS2 - The Sims 2
TWEWY - The World Ends With You
WoW - World of Warcraft
YGO - Yu-Gi-Oh!
Adoptables: (order, alphabetical)
BC - Bottle Cap(s)
CE - Click Exchange
DA: Dragon Adopters
DC: Dragcave or Dragon Cave
div - division
DP - dinopoints or green bottle caps
GBC - Green Bottle Cap(s)
LE: Link Exchange
PP - Pokeplushies
Misc: (order, time added)
Jan - January
Feb - February
Mar - March
Apr - April
May - May
Jun - June
Jul - July
Aug - August
Sep - Sept - September
Oct - October
Nov - November
Dec - December
got any more that we used in this forum or the Shoutbox please post them below and I'll add them.