Post by altomarelatios on Apr 14, 2009 10:18:50 GMT
This board was made so that you won't need to PM mods or admins to ask questions. It also allows more people to answer your question, so whoever is on and is certain about the answer, feel free to answer it. Each new question goes on a new thread, you can make one be clicking this icon which can be seen on the menu which also has mark as read and new poll buttons: (^^ you can use that button as well, I linked it so that it makes a new thread in the help board.) Rules:1) Thread titles MUST be indicative of the question being asked. Titles like "How do I add an avatar?" and "What does post count effect?" are fine examples of good questions. Titles like "?" or "HELP!" are not helpful and you may be ignored. 2) Try not to ask questions that have already been asked. (This is why rule 1 is there, it's to help you with rule 2) 3) The rest of the rules can be found here:lordzxil.proboards67.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=45