Post by Phoenix Wright on Jul 21, 2008 1:51:01 GMT
This game is sorta like the pokemon game, but I'll do an example right here.
A ACDC Town B Bud Bison C Cosmoman And so on.
So if I said Libra, you would do somtin like.....
And Don't forget to a new word when your done
The word has to be megaman related, including chips, virusus, and weapons and so on, and there has to be a word for every letter. PM me or sumthin if there are any problems. Now to the first word, We start out hard.This is also the fist thread Ive made, so go easy!
D-Zee: No Double-posting!
Yeah! That too.
One more rule. To keep this thread going, you are allowed play off your own post, IF you wait 24 hours.
OH! and minor words, like and,an,of,the do not count.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1152 × 864##9-+-
Post by Ventus on Jul 21, 2008 1:57:06 GMT
-+-Win32##Mozilla Firefox × 1024##16-+-
Post by dzee on Jul 21, 2008 22:54:16 GMT
T aurus fire chip A ura U ndernet square R oll chip U ndernet S erenade
F ire +30 I ce stage R oll E lecman
Next word: Terra Condor
PS have fun
-+-Win32##Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1##1024 × 768##6-+-
Post by Ventus on Jul 21, 2008 23:11:48 GMT
T TimeBomb chip E Eugene Chaud R recover chips R rdrmissil chips A antifire chips
C Crown thunder O Omegaxis N Numberman D Dex O oxtackle chip R Ring.EXE
Leo Kingdom
-+-Win32##Mozilla Firefox × 1024##8-+-
Post by dzee on Jul 21, 2008 23:18:37 GMT
L eo Kingdom Chip E lec Man O megaaxis
K ingman I ce Granade N eedle Atk 2 G round Wave 1 D ark Phantom O x Tackle M illiKick Chip
Next: Dark Phantom
-+-Win32##Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1##1024 × 768##6-+-
Post by Ventus on Jul 21, 2008 23:26:45 GMT
D Dark Phantom A Aqua + 50 R Recover 150 K elvin Stelar
P Plasmagun chip H Harp Note A Airspread chip N nullstge chip T TaurusFire Chip O Oxtackle M Magicrysl chips
Vaughn Platz (luna's dad)
-+-Win32##Mozilla Firefox × 1024##8-+-
Post by dzee on Jul 23, 2008 19:11:04 GMT
V - gun A uro U ndernet G utsman H ikari (lan's lastname) N aplman
P ET L an A CDC T erra condor Z ero
Next: Nenji Rokushakudama (Napalman.exe's opperator)
-+-Win32##Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1##1024 × 768##6-+-
Post by Phoenix Wright on Jul 23, 2008 21:06:45 GMT
Are you Cereal I have to think first. Thats a long name.
Okay, here we go.
N apalm Man E lec Man N eedleAtk 1 J et Ski I ce Stage
R ecover 10 O x tackle K ung foo kid U ndernet S ync Hook 1 H eat Uppr A ir Spred 1 K ngFooKd Ex U ndernet Square D ancFire 1 A nti Swrd M oai Fall 1 A rea Eater
Apollo Flame
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1152 × 864##9-+-
Post by lionnot on Jul 24, 2008 19:03:31 GMT
ACDC school protoMan omega Lan Hikari libraries orbit Shield EX Skill
FlashMan.EXE leviathan mini-game alpha Omega metalMan.EXE elemental attacks
Anubis Necromancess
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1280 × 1024##6-+-
Post by Phoenix Wright on Jul 28, 2008 1:52:23 GMT
I didn't know there were such long names A ir Spread N apalm Man U dershrt B ubbler I nitionalazation Key ( Brain Fart!!!) S yncHook 1 N eo Arcadia E lec Man C rown Thunder R ecover 10 O x Tackle M etalmam A CDC town N ullstage C ancerBubble E ugene Chaud S erenade S ync Hook 2 YAY!!!!! I'm FINISHED!!! Okay new word: Omega Zero -+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1152 × 864##9-+-
Post by frostmanexe on Jul 30, 2008 12:06:33 GMT
O -Cannon M egaman E lecsword G utsman A lpha
Z ero E lecman EXE R a-mu O ran Island
Here's a tough one Lord of Chaos DarkMega!!!
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1280 × 768##6-+-
Post by Phoenix Wright on Jul 30, 2008 19:03:59 GMT
Here goes
Lan Hikari Omega R a-Mu Dancfire1
of is a minor word, sooo
Cannon HeatUppr1 ACDC Town Ox Tackle Serenade
Dance Fire2 ACDC School Recover 10 Kung Foo Kid Moai Fall Elec Man G igaCannon Aura
Done! Next:
Csdragon: You forgot the G in mega
Omega-Zero: Crap! I'll fix it....
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1152 × 864##9-+-
Post by Phoenix Wright on Aug 5, 2008 2:23:10 GMT
It's been like 5 days sooooo C hronoforce H eat Uppr R ecover 10 O x Tackle N ullStage O mega F lashMan O mega-Zero R ecover100 CosmoMan ElecMan
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1152 × 864##9-+-
Post by S10bleach on May 14, 2009 2:24:08 GMT
C is Colonel H is Harpuia R is Roll O is Omega N is Nana O is Oozono Mariko F is Full Cust O is Oyama Dekao R is Raoul C is Charlie Airstar
T is Tmahawk Man H is Heat Man E is Elect Man
X is X- Hunters I is Iris P is Phantom H is Higsby O is Omega Zero S is Star Man U is UMA R is Recover 30 O is OOPart I is Ice Man D is Desert Man
Sage Harpuia is next