Post by Admin on Oct 11, 2009 11:22:53 GMT
*Check out the title: FAST xDxD
Anyways, as eveeeeeeryone here knows, I Freepoints (Shinichi, Zero, Magical, Majikaru Poitsu, Rage, Hate +other names) have an obsessive habit of changing my Display Name and my Avatar.
But alas! It has got to the day where I can no longer stand it! I am terribly confused and utterly in the depths of despair! I can no longer choose what avatar i should use!
I look at all my avatars and then say: "I MUST FIND THE ONE AVATAR! THE ONE AVATAR THAT I SHALL NEVER CHANGE FROM!" But so far, i have not found that avatar and thus i am in deep search of that sacred avatar. I hunt down that avatar, through forests, caves, dungeons and worlds! But still am in search.
Sooooooo until then, guys and girls, suggest me an avatar and if I like it enough I'll wear it for some time before selecting another of my own or from here. ^^
Post by shadowgregarzx on Oct 13, 2009 1:04:01 GMT
Post by altomarelatios on Oct 13, 2009 1:11:47 GMT
resize it plz, I can't see it properly, it's too big
Post by shadowgregarzx on Oct 13, 2009 1:29:49 GMT
I hate you, Google.
Post by Kyonko on Oct 13, 2009 17:11:10 GMT
Use a cute chibi pikachu. I think it will suit you Fuu Pee. :3
Post by Skariz on Oct 13, 2009 19:33:12 GMT
More L's.
Post by Archer on Oct 14, 2009 6:43:30 GMT
@fz - I think PD posted something like the statue of liberty but it's holding something else.Not a torch.
lolz at second L xD Somehow he seems funny in that one.
Post by michael472 on Oct 14, 2009 7:07:07 GMT
...I Freepoints (Shinichi, Zero, Magical, Majikaru Poitsu, Rage, Hate +other names)... I actually recall ICTF/~Frost~ using "Rage"... anyways, as for avatars, I suggest you make your own, using any character you feel like. I like the idea of using something involving justice, though. I would suggest a defense attorney if it wasn't currently being used.
Post by Admin on Nov 6, 2009 10:21:08 GMT
ummm, i'm pretty sure that was me (so many names i forget them now ><) Cos Frost is this calm chilled guy - he cant be called Rage. For God's sake he's a psychiatrist! What kinda Psychiatrist calls himself Rage? lol
Post by Archer on Nov 6, 2009 10:26:09 GMT
Umm....maybe that psychiatrist has some issues himself xD For example......maybe problems controlling his own temper??I mean even the greatest doctor cannot cure himself (Taken from a chinese saying so it might seem a little off.)
Post by Phoenix Wright on Nov 6, 2009 21:33:40 GMT
@fz - I think PD posted something like the statue of liberty but it's holding something else.Not a torch. lolz at second L xD Somehow he seems funny in that one. The the Libra scales. Thats why it has so,mething to do with Justice.
Post by CodeBreaker on Nov 6, 2009 22:00:22 GMT
Umm....maybe that psychiatrist has some issues himself xD For example......maybe problems controlling his own temper??I mean even the greatest doctor cannot cure himself (Taken from a chinese saying so it might seem a little off.) Then that person isn't really the greatest doctor then is he/she...
Post by Kyonko on Nov 6, 2009 22:06:03 GMT
Psychiatrists are psychiatrists because they have issues that they can't solve and therefore hope to solve them through others. Psychiatrists are typically ridden with issues, a good example is... Why would a grown man listen to another grown man complain and moan over trivial things? o.O What girl would want to hear about how some other girls issues about having issues over issues that are issues? In general I believe all psychiatrists are not helpfull and are a waste of time and effort, that a little soul searching of your own can easily solve. -o-
Post by Admin on Nov 6, 2009 23:28:18 GMT
-_-" Did ~FRoSt~ seem like a crazy maniac with problems to you? *sigh*
Post by shadowgregarzx on Nov 7, 2009 6:56:53 GMT
The Statue of Liberty is holding a balance one one arm to represent equality. The other is a sword, to fight those meanies.