Post by Admin on Aug 7, 2009 4:17:03 GMT
So what decks do you run?
I run (in order best to worst): - GB (95% complete) ~T 1.5 - Gadget Oppression ~T 2.5 (beats top tier decks like GB and BW fairly easily) - BlackWing ~T 2
- X-Saber ~Tier 1.5 (Need Card Troopers and 2 more Gottoms)
- Frogs ~T 1.5 (Solid Frogs now - very powerful)
- Alien ~T 2.5 (can now be played with Solidarity)
Dismantled (Can be easily put back together tho):
- Zombies ~T 1 - Spiders ~T 3 - Cloudian ~ T 3 (idk really, depends what type of deck it's facing...) - Psychics ~T 3 - Koa'ki Meiru ~T 4 (against regular, against Light and Dark, Tier 2. I hope for good support with SOVR and ABPF)
- Yusei ~T 6 (it's just a fun deck xD)
Making: Fortune Ladies, Morphtronics (again)
The tiers aren't for the archetype or type i run. The Tiers I'm giving right now are for my actual decks.
Post by altomarelatios on Sept 1, 2009 10:13:51 GMT
FP, your alien deck is more like tier 2.75 imo. Real Decks:(not counting the old decks that I have taken apart, can't find the all cards to put all back together) Plants ('Debris-Hime', 'Debris Princess', whatever you want to call the type of build + my own modifications) - Tier 1.5 but beats Blackwings which are tier 1. (I said 1.5 because plants are supposed to be tier 2 but this build is probably more than that from my win records) Plants (Gigaplant Beatdown) - I can modify the above deck to this deck, it's probably tier 2 but swarms really quickly with 'big' monsters, kills quickly if the opponent can't stop it, not good against other top tier decks because it has little protection. (When Supervis comes out, I'm changing it to making it even more powerful) Gladiator Beasts - Tier 1 if it was complete but since it's incomplete it's tier 2 maybe (Once 'Ancient Forest' it will be the build called 'Forest Glads' and then maybe it will be tier 1) mostly complete now except for the 'Ancient Forest' which is sided anyways, and 1 Laquari. Spellcasters Command Structure Deck - Nothing to say here other than I bought this for some staples and some cards for my next deck. Decks to be Made:Fortune Ladies - (Can't complete this until after SOVR comes out, but before that, when ANPR comes out I'm might merge it with GB deck sometimes) EDIT: merging decks is a bad idea, too inconsistant. Best Decks in Video Games (like YVD and YGO:WC)Cat Synchro - Tier 1 (died with September 09 Banlist) Dark Skill Drain - Tier 1 Chain Energy Bounce /Overdrive Mode - Tier ? (AKA my attempt at an anti-everything deck, until I figured out a weakness) (can beat tier 1 easily)