Post by altomarelatios on Apr 17, 2008 7:50:33 GMT
This was wiped along with everything else when the message board was remade so I might as well re-post it...
In this guide you will find ways to make your name change, for example have no name etc, BUT if you play on wi-fi, nintendo banned the use of the % sign so you can only use these names in multiplayer battles with your friends
HOWEVER: If you really want to have no name in wifi, there is another method... to see this method, view the action replay section of this message board....
Metroid Prime: Hunters Name Glitch Guide (with the % sign)
Written By: Falzar FZ
Use 'ctrl (control) + F' and copy the words in the brackets with the brackets to find to place you are looking for.
Introduction (PWR.)
Codes and What Your Name Turns Into (MSL.)
Important Notes (IMP.)
This May Save Your Life (SHK.)
Random Wi-fi Friend Codes (BTL.)
Introduction (PWR.)
This is my first guide ever so I don't know how well I can write so don't comment on how good or bad it is.
If you know how to change your name in Metroid Prime: Hunters via the edit friends and rivals area then read on¡ if not then stop and re-read the instruction booklet¡ if you bought a second hand game without an instruction booklet then too bad (try to find it on the internet)¡ and if you thought you couldn't read then you just did, by reading this sentence and besides you wouldn't be smart enough to buy this game in the first place if you can't read... besides if you couldn't read then you wouldn't have found this guide.
Also use these name codes/glitches at your own risk. I will not take any responsibility for a screwed up game or DS.
Note: '-' (a dash) means that it does nothing special (stays the same). It can also mean that if you add this in front of a code to neutralise its effect (e.g. %w%s doesn't freeze your game even though your name has a %s in it.)
Codes and What Your Name Turns Into (MSL.)
Code What it changes your name to¡
%a Changes into random numbers. (approx. 23 characters) (something like 0x1.0000a0000001ep-1023)
%b -
%c Changes into blank space
%d Changes to 30
%e Changes into random numbers. (approx. 13 characters) (something like 2.121996e-313)
%f Changes to 0.000000
%g Changes to random numbers. (approx. 10 characters) (something like 2.122e-313)
%h -
%i Changes to 30
%j add this in front of a code to neutralise its effect (e.g. %j%s doesn't freeze your game even though your name has a %s in it.)
%k -
%l -
%m -
%n Freezes the game.
%o Changes to 36
%p Changes to 0x0000001e
%q -
%r -
%s Freezes the game
%t -
%u Changes to 30
%v -
%w -
%x Changes to 1e
%y -
%z -
All codes from here onwards are Copyrighted by me since I discovered them. So you must e-mail/ask me before using them.
%a%e%o%n Changes to Dual Mode Right/Left
%a%e%x%n Changes to Stylus Mode Right/Left
%a%x%a%n Changes to 'for right-handed people. +control pad to move and the stylus' / alt-form: DIALANCHE / sensitivity
%a%x%o%n Changes to ! (an an exclamation mark) / & (an and sign) / random numbers. (approx. 23 characters)
%a%o%a%n%a Changes to copy / alt-form: DIALANCHE / tempname here / for right-handed people. Use the +control pad to move, and the a, b, x and y buttons to look. / sensitivity
%a%o%o%n Changes to ! (an exclamation mark) / ' (a quotation mark) / random numbers. (approx. 23 characters)
%e%d%o%n Changes into blank space / random numbers. (approx. 13 characters)
%a%x%e%n Changes to 0% first row and a blank space the second row
%a%a%a%a%n Restarts game (same as what L+R+Start+Select does)
%a%a%n Changes to , (a comma)
%e%e%n Changes into two rows if blank spaces that you can't see / newname here / chat here
%e%p%e%n Changes into two rows if blank spaces that you can't see / newname here / chat here
%e%d%e%n Changes to alt-form: TRISKELION
%e%o%e%n Changes to WEAVEL / alt-form: MORPH BALL / newname here / chat here
%e%x%e%n Changes to TRACE / WEAVEL / alt-form: halfturret / alt-form: MORPH BALL
%a%a%s%s%s Changes into blank space / 'Lines going across your screen' / (lots of space then a 0‰4 moving about randomly) 0‰4
%a%e%n # (number sign) / random numbers. (approx. 13 characters)
%e%e%n Changes into blank space / random numbers. (approx. 13 characters)
%a%a%s%n%s Changes to Create Game / Copy / complete / copyright 2006 nintendo
%a%a%n%n%n Changes to Dual Mode Right/Left / OK invert on will reverse control on / alt-form: DIALANCHE / , (a comma)
%a%a%a%a%a Changes to a really long random number with a line going through it. (lags game, when reading your name, very slightly)
%a%a%e%a%a Changes to a really long random number with three lines or a block or white going through it. (lags game, when reading your name, very slightly but a bit more than previous name)
%e%n%d Freezes the game. Has a chance that a blank space appears but if that happens the game won't freeze until after you save, then you're stuffed.
There are a lot more but I don't have time to type it up...
Important Notes (IMP.)
Never, I repeat, Never under any circumstances are you to input %a%e%o%n or %a%e%o%n% (or any other codes that changes your name to make it have two lines of text) then instantly changing your name to %n or %s (or any other code that freezes of restarts)¡ that is unless you want to reset all your game data¡ or someone elses¡
You can, however, change your name to anything BUT a code (e.g. any name without a percent sign in it) then do a multi-card battle with a bot (this changes your name to the newly inputted name) then change to another coded name. So as long as you don't see a "Dual Mode Right/Left" name when inputting another code in you should be fine.
Changing your name with a code to Dual Mode Right/Left (or any other codes that changes your name to make it have two lines of text) is almost permanent. The only way to change your name after "Dual Mode Right/Left" name is to change your name to anything BUT a code (e.g. any name without a percent sign in it)
then do a multi-card battle with a bot (this changes your name to the newly inputted name).
It is sad to say, as fun as a lot of those are, Nintendo banned the % sign from being in your name when logging onto wi-fi. But good news is that it can be helpful when playing around friends and you want to amaze them, it works on multicard play. The ones that freeze your game cause no real harm, you just have to turn off your DS and turn it back on. Between the % and the letter, you can add 0's and .'s and they will turn invisible if the name is using one of the working name codes.
This May Save Your Life (SHK.)
If you do accidentally input %e%n%d in to your game and screw it up. These is a way to save part of your game¡ your hunters licence. To do this, you require a lot of luck.
1. Go to 'erase all data' and say 'yes'
2. Wait one and a half seconds and pull/take/press/spring your gamecard out from your DS as it is erasing without turning off your DS.
(Don't worry, this will not screw your DS) but you have a 0.01% chance of screwing up your game card but what is there to lose¡ a screwed up game that you can't play on (and yes it is the only way to fix it).
3. Turn off your DS and insert you game and continue, 'err¡ hopefully your game will have its data corrupted for the hunters licence bit so it will load your backup licence data (and no there is no backup data for the other parts of the game, only your licence).
4. Hooray!!!, you have your licence data back, but if is said data corrupted and it deletes only your adventure mode data then you need to do it all again until it says something about, data corrupted, reconfigure wi-fi, and your pervious hunters name is <whatever your name was> and then saves if you take the game out too late then it would have deleted your hunters licence as well.
Your game deletes your data in a certain order: adventure mode data, records, multiplayer data (if any), then finally hunters licence. The time to take the game out is when the data for your licence just starts to be deleted (when I say just I mean 0.015 seconds after it starts to delete your licence data, no more, no less).
You might be wondering why I know this¡ right?
well it happened to me once when I first discovered about %e%n%d
Random Wi-fi Friend Codes (BTL.)
Enter friend codes and give them the temporary name of a code so if it is a faulty code then your name won't stuff up.
0730-7976-6430 samus (from instruction booklet)
2319-9785-7925 ZeroWilEXE (mph multi-player FAQ guide guy)
3436-6512-1346 "... I really don't know..." (Wilson Tejeda from MPH Sylux guide)
4295-6520-6344 Quadraxis (from a MPH weavel guide)
Q1. My game screwed up¡ I hate you¡ A1. Well, I hate you too and I don't give a damn about you or your game¡ I did tell you to use these codes at your own risk and I won't take any responsibilities for any damages to your game or your DS¡
Q2. Can I use part of your guide for my guide or put it up on a site/forum or to include in my guide?
A2. Hell no!! You shouldn't be able to find a guide on this since barely anyone knows about name glitches and/or no one is brave enough to risk their game. And since you shouldn't be able to find a guide on this subject ,other than this one, I intend to keep it as a 'legendary, one of a kind' guide. What you can do, however, is put up a link to the following web page to read this page and get people to come here... and register at... to view this data.
In this guide you will find ways to make your name change, for example have no name etc, BUT if you play on wi-fi, nintendo banned the use of the % sign so you can only use these names in multiplayer battles with your friends
HOWEVER: If you really want to have no name in wifi, there is another method... to see this method, view the action replay section of this message board....
Metroid Prime: Hunters Name Glitch Guide (with the % sign)
Written By: Falzar FZ
Use 'ctrl (control) + F' and copy the words in the brackets with the brackets to find to place you are looking for.
Introduction (PWR.)
Codes and What Your Name Turns Into (MSL.)
Important Notes (IMP.)
This May Save Your Life (SHK.)
Random Wi-fi Friend Codes (BTL.)
Introduction (PWR.)
This is my first guide ever so I don't know how well I can write so don't comment on how good or bad it is.
If you know how to change your name in Metroid Prime: Hunters via the edit friends and rivals area then read on¡ if not then stop and re-read the instruction booklet¡ if you bought a second hand game without an instruction booklet then too bad (try to find it on the internet)¡ and if you thought you couldn't read then you just did, by reading this sentence and besides you wouldn't be smart enough to buy this game in the first place if you can't read... besides if you couldn't read then you wouldn't have found this guide.
Also use these name codes/glitches at your own risk. I will not take any responsibility for a screwed up game or DS.
Note: '-' (a dash) means that it does nothing special (stays the same). It can also mean that if you add this in front of a code to neutralise its effect (e.g. %w%s doesn't freeze your game even though your name has a %s in it.)
Codes and What Your Name Turns Into (MSL.)
Code What it changes your name to¡
%a Changes into random numbers. (approx. 23 characters) (something like 0x1.0000a0000001ep-1023)
%b -
%c Changes into blank space
%d Changes to 30
%e Changes into random numbers. (approx. 13 characters) (something like 2.121996e-313)
%f Changes to 0.000000
%g Changes to random numbers. (approx. 10 characters) (something like 2.122e-313)
%h -
%i Changes to 30
%j add this in front of a code to neutralise its effect (e.g. %j%s doesn't freeze your game even though your name has a %s in it.)
%k -
%l -
%m -
%n Freezes the game.
%o Changes to 36
%p Changes to 0x0000001e
%q -
%r -
%s Freezes the game
%t -
%u Changes to 30
%v -
%w -
%x Changes to 1e
%y -
%z -
All codes from here onwards are Copyrighted by me since I discovered them. So you must e-mail/ask me before using them.
%a%e%o%n Changes to Dual Mode Right/Left
%a%e%x%n Changes to Stylus Mode Right/Left
%a%x%a%n Changes to 'for right-handed people. +control pad to move and the stylus' / alt-form: DIALANCHE / sensitivity
%a%x%o%n Changes to ! (an an exclamation mark) / & (an and sign) / random numbers. (approx. 23 characters)
%a%o%a%n%a Changes to copy / alt-form: DIALANCHE / tempname here / for right-handed people. Use the +control pad to move, and the a, b, x and y buttons to look. / sensitivity
%a%o%o%n Changes to ! (an exclamation mark) / ' (a quotation mark) / random numbers. (approx. 23 characters)
%e%d%o%n Changes into blank space / random numbers. (approx. 13 characters)
%a%x%e%n Changes to 0% first row and a blank space the second row
%a%a%a%a%n Restarts game (same as what L+R+Start+Select does)
%a%a%n Changes to , (a comma)
%e%e%n Changes into two rows if blank spaces that you can't see / newname here / chat here
%e%p%e%n Changes into two rows if blank spaces that you can't see / newname here / chat here
%e%d%e%n Changes to alt-form: TRISKELION
%e%o%e%n Changes to WEAVEL / alt-form: MORPH BALL / newname here / chat here
%e%x%e%n Changes to TRACE / WEAVEL / alt-form: halfturret / alt-form: MORPH BALL
%a%a%s%s%s Changes into blank space / 'Lines going across your screen' / (lots of space then a 0‰4 moving about randomly) 0‰4
%a%e%n # (number sign) / random numbers. (approx. 13 characters)
%e%e%n Changes into blank space / random numbers. (approx. 13 characters)
%a%a%s%n%s Changes to Create Game / Copy / complete / copyright 2006 nintendo
%a%a%n%n%n Changes to Dual Mode Right/Left / OK invert on will reverse control on / alt-form: DIALANCHE / , (a comma)
%a%a%a%a%a Changes to a really long random number with a line going through it. (lags game, when reading your name, very slightly)
%a%a%e%a%a Changes to a really long random number with three lines or a block or white going through it. (lags game, when reading your name, very slightly but a bit more than previous name)
%e%n%d Freezes the game. Has a chance that a blank space appears but if that happens the game won't freeze until after you save, then you're stuffed.
There are a lot more but I don't have time to type it up...
Important Notes (IMP.)
Never, I repeat, Never under any circumstances are you to input %a%e%o%n or %a%e%o%n% (or any other codes that changes your name to make it have two lines of text) then instantly changing your name to %n or %s (or any other code that freezes of restarts)¡ that is unless you want to reset all your game data¡ or someone elses¡
You can, however, change your name to anything BUT a code (e.g. any name without a percent sign in it) then do a multi-card battle with a bot (this changes your name to the newly inputted name) then change to another coded name. So as long as you don't see a "Dual Mode Right/Left" name when inputting another code in you should be fine.
Changing your name with a code to Dual Mode Right/Left (or any other codes that changes your name to make it have two lines of text) is almost permanent. The only way to change your name after "Dual Mode Right/Left" name is to change your name to anything BUT a code (e.g. any name without a percent sign in it)
then do a multi-card battle with a bot (this changes your name to the newly inputted name).
It is sad to say, as fun as a lot of those are, Nintendo banned the % sign from being in your name when logging onto wi-fi. But good news is that it can be helpful when playing around friends and you want to amaze them, it works on multicard play. The ones that freeze your game cause no real harm, you just have to turn off your DS and turn it back on. Between the % and the letter, you can add 0's and .'s and they will turn invisible if the name is using one of the working name codes.
This May Save Your Life (SHK.)
If you do accidentally input %e%n%d in to your game and screw it up. These is a way to save part of your game¡ your hunters licence. To do this, you require a lot of luck.
1. Go to 'erase all data' and say 'yes'
2. Wait one and a half seconds and pull/take/press/spring your gamecard out from your DS as it is erasing without turning off your DS.
(Don't worry, this will not screw your DS) but you have a 0.01% chance of screwing up your game card but what is there to lose¡ a screwed up game that you can't play on (and yes it is the only way to fix it).
3. Turn off your DS and insert you game and continue, 'err¡ hopefully your game will have its data corrupted for the hunters licence bit so it will load your backup licence data (and no there is no backup data for the other parts of the game, only your licence).
4. Hooray!!!, you have your licence data back, but if is said data corrupted and it deletes only your adventure mode data then you need to do it all again until it says something about, data corrupted, reconfigure wi-fi, and your pervious hunters name is <whatever your name was> and then saves if you take the game out too late then it would have deleted your hunters licence as well.
Your game deletes your data in a certain order: adventure mode data, records, multiplayer data (if any), then finally hunters licence. The time to take the game out is when the data for your licence just starts to be deleted (when I say just I mean 0.015 seconds after it starts to delete your licence data, no more, no less).
You might be wondering why I know this¡ right?
well it happened to me once when I first discovered about %e%n%d
Random Wi-fi Friend Codes (BTL.)
Enter friend codes and give them the temporary name of a code so if it is a faulty code then your name won't stuff up.
0730-7976-6430 samus (from instruction booklet)
2319-9785-7925 ZeroWilEXE (mph multi-player FAQ guide guy)
3436-6512-1346 "... I really don't know..." (Wilson Tejeda from MPH Sylux guide)
4295-6520-6344 Quadraxis (from a MPH weavel guide)
Q1. My game screwed up¡ I hate you¡ A1. Well, I hate you too and I don't give a damn about you or your game¡ I did tell you to use these codes at your own risk and I won't take any responsibilities for any damages to your game or your DS¡
Q2. Can I use part of your guide for my guide or put it up on a site/forum or to include in my guide?
A2. Hell no!! You shouldn't be able to find a guide on this since barely anyone knows about name glitches and/or no one is brave enough to risk their game. And since you shouldn't be able to find a guide on this subject ,other than this one, I intend to keep it as a 'legendary, one of a kind' guide. What you can do, however, is put up a link to the following web page to read this page and get people to come here... and register at... to view this data.