Post by shadowgregarzx on Jul 3, 2009 5:41:19 GMT
On almost EVERY Laptop I have used, it always has a few irritating things: 1. Auto Clicking: I hate this. I hate this until infinity. It auto clicsk when I don't want it to, and doesn't when I want it to. I put my cursor on an innocent link, and it auto clicks, taking me outta the page. Even when I use a mouse instead of the Touch Pad, it irritates me to hell.
2. The Cursor won't move.: When I slide my finger across the Pad, it moves a bit randomly. And then it goes haywire. And then it auto clicks. Sometimes I get made I slam my finger onto the Pad.
So does anyone know how to fix these problems? Thanks in advance.
Post by altomarelatios on Jul 3, 2009 6:05:53 GMT
(Not sure if this is the problem, but) When you double tap on the er... pad? (thing that moves the cursor), it counts as a mouse click.
There should be a icon on the bottom right of the screen, a bit left of the clock, with a grey square thingy with 2 smaller grey square thingies under it. Right click on that and un-tick "Tap to Click"
If that wasn't the problem, then have you checked mouse options? (Can be found in the Control Panel).
Post by shadowgregarzx on Jul 3, 2009 22:09:07 GMT
It never bothers Mom!...Well, cause she barely moves the mouse. Every 30 minutes she moves it after watching a clip. Yeah that's right! THIRTY MINUTE CLIP. ;_; Anyways, I'll try this later.