Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series is a fan-made parody of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime by LittleKuriboh.
The episodes are usually four to six minutes long.
here's the first episode:
you can watch the rest here:
Season 1Season 2quotes:
Yami: Wait a moment, did you just summon a bunch of monsters in one turn?
Seto: Yeah, so?
Yami: That's against the rules.
Seto Kaiba: "Screw the rules! I have money!"
Yami: "My grandpa’s deck has no pathetic cards, Kaiba! Except maybe for Kuriboh."
Joey Wheeler: "A duel disk is like treating a woman, you usually fasten it to your arm and place trading cards at regular intervals."
Mako Tsunami: "I am
mot a freaky fish guy."
JOEY: No, Mako. This is straight from the heart: You are not a freaky fish guy, Mako. You are THE Freaky Fish Guy. And that's why people love you, because you gave us something special. Something most Yu-Gi-Oh characters don't even have. You gave us a catchphrase!
Tristan: “Bakura, don’t be a hero! They have invisible guns!” (This was a joke since 4kids censored the guns but left the scene there so they were holding 'invisible guns' lol.)
PEGASUS: Excellent. Soon, my evil plan to steal an object from a small child will be complete!
YAMI: You mean you arranged this whole tournament just to steal my Millennium Puzzle?
PEGASUS: Exactly.
YAMI: Did you even consider just asking me for it? I mean, do you have any idea how much time and money you've wasted with this whole facade? People have died because you wanted a necklace! I killed a gay clown, for Ra's sake!
PEGASUS: Look, are you going to play a children's card game with me or not?
YAMI: I suppose I might as well.
PARA: Wall Shadow! Destroy his Beaver Warrior!
JOEY: Let this be a lesson to ya Yug. Never, under any circumstances, leave ya beaver exposed.
YAMI: You're right Joey, my beaver was on full display. Next time I'll take better care of my beaver.
TÉA: I didn't know Yugi had a beaver.
Para: Against our Gateguardian, you stand no chance.
Dox: I'm not wearing any underpants.
Para: Is that true brother, or are you just rhyming?
Dox: I didn't want to throw off our timing... but it is true.
Mokuba: Big brother, you came to rescue me again. What the hell took you so long?
Pegasus: Hello Kaiba-boy, I've been expecting you.
Seto: Pegasus, I'm going to make you pay for stealing my cards.
Mokuba: And for kidnapping me, right?
Seto: Shut up Mokuba, mommy and daddy are talking.
MOKUBA: Big brother.... (fades)
KAIBA: What have you done now?
PEGASUS: I've turned Mokuba into a monster card, and he doesn't have any attack or defense points!
KAIBA: You sick bastard! That makes him even more worthless than Kuriboh! Please, I'll do anything! Just don't release that card to the general public!
PEGASUS: In that case, I want you to have a rematch with Yugi-boy! And this time, you have to win!
KAIBA: I'll do it! But only to avenge the death of my little brother.
MOKUBA: But I'm not dead, Seto!
KAIBA: Shut up, Mokuba.
Bakura: "Oh, that's just my gaydar. My father gave it to me to protect me because I'm so bloody effeminate." (Followed later by....)
Bakura: "I was watching you play card games with your mates, when my Millennium Ring started pointing towards your Millennium Puzzle! I can't imagine why."
Rebecca: Hello.
Yugi: Who's that?
Rebecca: *cute laugh* My name's Rebecca, I'm 8 old years old and I'm the number 1 ranked duelist in America.
Joey: That's impossible, only grown-ups are allowed to play childrens card games.
Rebecca: I'm looking for Solomon Motou.
Yugi: Who the hell is Solomon Motou?
Tea: Yugi, that's your grandpa.
Yugi: He has name?
Arthur: I believe that the ancient Egyptians used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! in their spare-time.
Gramps: Pull the other one.
Arthur: No really, I mean it.
Gramps: Next you're going to tell me the Romans played Pokemon.
Yugi: Oh, question.
Adenia: Ohm, yes?
Yugi: Just what the hell are you anyway? Are you a boy or girl?
Joey: Maybe it's a she-male. You know, like Bakura.
Mokuba: What ever it is, it's going to haunt my dreams for the rest of my life.
Adenia: Excuse me brave heros, I'm trying to tell you about the suffering of my people.
Yugi: I think it's pretty obvious why your people are suffering, their ruler is a transvestite.
Adenia: The only way to defeat the mythic dragon is by resurrecting the ancient flying machine which-
Yugi: Why weren't you censored anyway? I mean what? Guns are bad, but crossdressing princesses are A-Okay?
Duke: We'll play Dungeon Dice Monsters, a game of my own creation. We each take it in turns to draw a dice.
Yami: So it's just like duel monsters.
Duke: Then we use our dice to summon holographic monsters to the field.
Yami: So it's just like duel monsters.
Duke: Both opponents are given 3 heart points and when they run out the game is-
Yami: So it's just like duel monsters.
Duke: Hey stop it! My game is nothing like duel monsters.
Yami: Prove it then.
Duke: My game uses dice.
maybe you should just watch it...