Post by xXiTz InFaMoUsX on Jun 30, 2008 19:04:06 GMT
Respawns and runs over ArkAngel with a Ghost.
Note: I snuck up behind you Ark because i had an energy sword in reserve incase you saw me so i could kill you either way.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1024 × 768##16-+-
Post by ArkAngel on Jul 2, 2008 9:49:00 GMT
Grabs a scorp and blasts tingle into oblivion.
Note: Oh. Okay.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1280 × 1024##9-+-
Post by xXiTz InFaMoUsX on Jul 2, 2008 15:32:28 GMT
respawns again and sticks Ark with a grenade.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1024 × 768##16-+-
Post by ArkAngel on Jul 3, 2008 7:52:13 GMT
calls an airstike (or should that be spacestrike?) from a UNSC battleship.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1280 × 1024##9-+-
Post by altomarelatios on Jul 3, 2008 9:00:12 GMT
*stands there with a shield* (In an episode of pokemon, ash said "the best defense is a good offense"... but I always thought the saying was "the best offense is the best defense"...
but then again, pokemon episodes were made in japan and crappy english translators mght have mixed it up.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1280 × 1024##6-+-
Post by xXiTz InFaMoUsX on Jul 3, 2008 14:13:31 GMT
*Calls out a helicopter*
note: lol Falz
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1024 × 768##16-+-
Post by ArkAngel on Jul 5, 2008 5:59:55 GMT
Calls a squad of fighter jets. blows up helicopter.
BTW, they probably didn't mix it up. Everyone changes the saying to the opposite cos everyone prefers offense over defense, i guess...
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1280 × 1024##9-+-
Post by altomarelatios on Jul 5, 2008 6:06:50 GMT
um... advance wars? (with these helicopters and fighters)
calls anti-air units and missile units to pwn everyones air units.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1280 × 1024##6-+-
Post by Arcane on Jul 5, 2008 6:09:53 GMT
Sends cybeast falzar to pwn you all while standing there eating burger king.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1152 × 864##1-+-
Post by altomarelatios on Jul 5, 2008 6:13:40 GMT
I fuse with Gregar to create cybeast GREZAR (this is a real cybeast in megaman anime)
by fusing, the planet and the net becomes unstable and begins to collapse, destroying almost everything!
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1280 × 1024##6-+-
Post by Arcane on Jul 5, 2008 6:39:40 GMT
Hides in bomb shelter and survives.
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1152 × 864##1-+-
Post by ArkAngel on Jul 5, 2008 8:35:28 GMT
returns from alternate dimension and sneaks into bomb shelter and assassinates burner with an energy sword
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1280 × 1024##9-+-
Post by dzee on Jul 6, 2008 22:22:44 GMT
jus wakes up and stands there confused
-+-Win32##Mozilla Firefox × 768##6-+-
Post by xXiTz InFaMoUsX on Jul 6, 2008 22:46:55 GMT
*Slaps D-Zee and snipes Ark when he walks out of the bomb shelter*
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0##1024 × 768##16-+-
Post by Phoenix Wright on Jul 7, 2008 2:51:58 GMT
*randomly throws bombs and shoots everyone with a rocket launcher*
-+-Win32##Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0##1152 × 864##9-+-